Attention vs. Intention. Or can we do both?
Attention is to speed as intention is to velocity.
I pay so much attention that I pay none of it.
Attention, at least for me, can be so fleeting. A project over here, a conversation over there, another distraction and seven squirrels over yonder. It never ends.
Brb — let me take this call real quick.
The truth is, I choose for it never to end. And I can choose for it to stop.
It’s all in my intention.
We can focus our attention on what’s truly important, in the moment, with the proper intention. With meaningful intention.
When we find ourselves giving our not-so-undivided attention, we can ask ourselves why that is and how we can bring our intention to this attention.
It takes self-awareness, maturity, and courage to notice this, so acknowledge that and give yourself some credit. Nor is it bad or wrong that we find ourselves here in the first place.
It’s human nature.
From this awareness, we can then give ourselves a sense of direction to focus our attention. This direction is our intention.
Attention is to speed as intention is to velocity.
Speed is great, yet speed in a given direction is where the magic happens.
With intention comes direction. With direction comes intention. They’re two sides of the same coin.
So, let’s focus on our intention when a moment requires our utmost attention.
How can we show up right now?
What’s our intention going into this moment right now?
We’ll find that this is what truly makes a moment what it is. What makes this moment special.