“Confidence is the willingness to try.”

Sean McVety
1 min readJan 13, 2023


What comes afterward is irrelevant.

Photo by Marcus Grennborg on Snapwire Community

We’ve been looking at confidence all wrong. Or at least I have.

Somewhere along the way, confidence became something we had to earn. A feeling we could only get from reaching a certain level of success, and from getting recognition for that success.

But the truth is confidence is the willingness to try. It’s in the trying.

“Confidence is the willingness to try.” — Mel Robbins

What comes after is irrelevant. The outcome doesn’t matter.

Confidence comes from trying those things that may be a little scary. Those things that we want to do but are nervous to go for because we’re scared of failing, or of what comes afterward.

It’s in recognizing that we’re scared, acknowledging that we’re nervous, and taking an intentional step in the face of that fear anyway. That’s confidence.

So, next time you ask yourself, “but what if I fail?” just remember, confidence is the willingness to try.



Sean McVety
Sean McVety

Written by Sean McVety

I just write. Because I love to 😊

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